How long should you run your pool pump in Las Vegas during the different times of year

In Las Vegas, where temperatures can vary significantly throughout the year, it's important to adjust your pool pump run times accordingly. Here are some general guidelines for adjusting run times based on the season:

1. **Summer (June to August):** During the hot summer months with temperatures often exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit, you may need to run your pool pump longer to maintain proper circulation and filtration. Consider running the pump for about 10 to 12 hours a day or even more if you have high bather loads or a lot of debris.

2. **Spring/Fall (March to May and September to November):** In the milder spring and fall seasons, you can reduce the pump run time slightly to about 8 to 10 hours a day as the temperatures are not as extreme.

3. **Winter (December to February):** Winter in Las Vegas can still have cool spells, but generally, the temperatures are lower. You can further reduce the pump run time to around 6 to 8 hours a day during the winter months when the pool is not being used as frequently.

Remember that these are general recommendations, and you may need to adjust the run times based on factors like pool usage, bather load, and specific pool conditions. Regularly monitor your pool water quality and adjust the pump run times as needed to ensure your pool stays clean and properly maintained throughout the year.


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